Wednesday, July 15, 2009

Riverside - We're Here!

We Dowlings are almost completely moved into the Faculty-in-Residence apartment in the Riverside community on the UA campus. It's very quiet for now - the students haven't arrived yet. The move has gone well, and we are all adjusting to our new home. Getting used to a smaller living space will be a big adjustment for us, but we need this. A big house means more stuff, and this will be a great chance for us to see what we really need.

We had Sam's 18th birthday party last night at the Bama Theater. It was the coolest birthday party I've ever been to! Lots of folks came to see Sam. That kid has a lot of people who love him!

We're looking forward to meeting the residents when they check in. I'm sure that day will bring back a lot of memories for me. It was a mere 28 years ago that I unpacked my Opel to move into Paty Hall. Good times!


  1. Where is this building located on campus? Things have changed so much since I was there.

  2. Things have really changed here on campus. The Riverside community is roughly where Riverside Pool used to be.
